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几年前,在伦敦的皇家莎士比亚公司(Royal Shakespeare Co.查理(Charlie),我的另一半在伦敦遇到了我,我们乘坐了一次荒谬的廉价航班飞往意大利。当然,威尼斯在议程中,尤其是我所有朋友在Food&Wine -Opteria Alle Testiere上推荐的餐厅。vwin德赢ac米兰vwin德赢ac米兰到达后,我们试图预订预订,但没有运气。我被粉碎了,但我在威尼斯,所以我真的感觉不好。我们接受了经验丰富的威尼斯游客并让自己迷路的朋友的建议。我相信这是参观威尼斯的唯一方法。这是神奇的。然后,下午晚些时候,我们以某种方式发现自己在Alle Testiere的关门门外。我开始再次为自己感到难过,当我转向与查理分享我的悲伤时,他无处可寻。然后我看到他的手和膝盖,在金属安全门下方爬行! As I watched in horror ... nothing happened. I waited, sure that he was about to be arrested. Then he appeared, slithering out from under the gate, looking both a mess and immensely pleased with himself. If we agreed to eat very, very early, and to not linger endlessly after our meal, they graciously agreed to let us be the first customers that night. We raced back to our hotel, showered, changed, and raced back. We then proceeded to have one of the best meals we’ve ever had. I had Schie con Polenta: tiny Venetian brine shrimp with white wine and garlic served over soft polenta. It was a meal and an evening I will never forget, thanks both to Charlie and a wonderful restaurant crew.Since flying to Venice for dinner isn’t possible for most of us, this magical meal is easy to, if not replicate, at least approximate. I say that because I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to find the famous Venetian gray brine shrimp stateside. These shrimp are seriously tiny and sweet. But we all have access to great shrimp at our fishmongers. All you need to do is make a batch of polenta, which isn’t hard at all; it just requires some stirring. And while the polenta simmers away, all you’ll need to do is cook some garlic and white wine and stock, add butter, and, literally two minutes (at most) before you want to serve, toss in the shrimp. The cardinal sin when preparing shrimp is overcooking them, so cook until they’re mostly pink, then toss in the butter, the lemon zest, and about half of the parsley. The remaining moments of heat while you plate is enough to finish the cooking. Complete the picture with the rest of the parsley, and let yourself dream of canals, and San Marco, and the Rialto, and … ah, La Serenissima!


Credit: Victor Protasio

Recipe Summary test

30 mins
55 mins




Make the polenta
  • 将8杯水,玉米面,盐和月桂叶搅拌均匀。经常用木勺在高高的底部和侧面煮沸。将热量降低至低,煮熟,偶尔用木勺搅拌锅底,直到玉米粥变软又变稠,约40分钟。从火上移开,盖上盖子以保持温暖。

Make the shrimp
  • 热油、大蒜和红辣椒,滑雪llet over medium-low. Cook, stirring occasionally, until softened and fragrant, about 3 minutes. Add wine, and bring to a simmer over medium-high. Simmer, stirring occasionally, until reduced by half, about 5 minutes. Add stock, and return to a simmer; simmer 3 minutes. Add shrimp, lemon zest, and salt. Cook, stirring often, until shrimp are slightly opaque, about 4 minutes. Sir in butter until melted. Remove from heat. Cover and steam until shrimp until just cooked through, about 2 minutes.

  • Divide polenta among warm shallow bowls; top each with shrimp and sauce. Garnish with parsley, and serve immediately.
